Mike South

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Memories Of Thanksgivings Past

I was thinking last night about some of the Thanksgivings I have had since being in the biz.  Before the biz they were always spent with family.  After the biz

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To All My Readers in the NE

  For Gods sake be safe, my thoughts are with you, I know some of my regular commenters are from that area. I know I have regular readers from that

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My Feelings About the Gawker Article

It’s a tough thing when you see yourself through someone else’s eyes. It is a particularly tough thing when you spend day after day showing other people themselves through your

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Welcome To All My New Visitors

Welcome to all the new visitors from the Gawker.com Article. If you are reading my blog for the first time it might appear to be a bit esoteric.  It is

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Reader Mail

I just want to say thank you to the person that sent this to me and to everyone who sends these letters.  They don’t go un-noticed  I appreciate getting them

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Jewn and a Queen Adellafish

We went offshore last week but I didn’t get to post about it.  We went to check on Jewn, which is the name we gave to this big Jewfish Jewn

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And Another Stripper Quote

  Stripper: You are the smartest guy I know Me: while that doesn’t really surprise I am sorry to hear that Stripper No really, do you think there is life

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Some Diving Pictures

Finally got to resume my normal life last week and we went offshore fishing and diving for a few days, we caught lots of fish but I was more interested

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Coming To Your eBook Reader

  I put the finishing touches on our eBook last night and have sent it back for the final edit.  As soon as it gets on amazon, barnes and noble

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Tens In My Porn Twenty

As of this month I have officially been in porn for twenty years now and I got to thinking about the last twenty years and some of the moments that

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Genes tarot read On Me, How Did He Do?

I was rather amused with this and decided to give Gene a heads up on how accurate he was…My assessments are inline. “Gene Ross from www.adultfyi.com and www.geneross.com writes: In

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Mobility Is Important

You don’t really realize how important your mobility is to your mental health until it’s gone.  Even though I have a wheel chair ramp now I still cant get out

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Fish Sticks

  Strippers are an interesting lot, I guess this may qualify as a stripper quote. Four of my peelers approached me tonight and one asked me if I like fish

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