Memories Of Thanksgivings Past

I was thinking last night about some of the Thanksgivings I have had since being in the biz.  Before the biz they were always spent with family.  After the biz they still are, mostly, but every four or five years i fiond myself elsewhere…Like last year  i was living in Dayton, OH and was confined to a wheelchair.  Felicia Fox and Tim Case came and got me and Emily (who was staying with me) and took us to Felicias family Thanksgiving at her brothers house.  Everyone was super nice and welcomed me as though I was a part of the family.

Some years back on Thanksgiving day I was headed to Toronto with my friend Julie, who is a producer at ABC TV, Dayton is about half way so we stopped there and had thanksgiving dinner at Dennys (The only place open) then joined up with Dirty Bob and spent the evening in a strip club called “Cheeks”.  Julie was fascinated at what one of the girls could do on the pole….Thats the stripper pole y’all…minds outta…well never mind, it is

But by far the most entertaining was the Thanksgiving when Devon Michaels called me up and said lets go to Florida for Thanksgiving….Seems she had a dance gig at Cheetah in Pompano Beach that weekend.  It was my first experience as a suitcase pimp, we even drove down from Atlanta.  The club put us up in an apartment that was attached to the club, the first thing I noticed it had a RAT TRAP by the door…not a mouse trap…a rat trap lol, I wasn’t sure if it was for the two legged or four legged variety.  I learned a lot about feature dancing on that trip, theres nothing like ironing out hundreds of one dollar bills that have been tightly wadded up for a game of “cooterball”  I spend Thanksgiving day having the best thanksgiving dinner of my life at my friends Aaron and Donna in Wellington FL.  I consider myself a good cook but Donna is amazing….

Fun times….I hope your Thanksgivings are all as memorable.



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Memories Of Thanksgivings Past

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