Mike South

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Mike South Commentary

Comments Open Again

Thank you to those who contacted us and let us know about the problem making comments on certain posts. The issue has finally been resolved and you shouldn’t have any

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Writer Wanted
Mike South

Writers Wanted

If you are a writer and looking to make a name for yourself, we would love to work with you. This website is an adult industry blog that has been

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The Last Post

Thank you. All of you. If you have an authors login it still works for the time being, please feel free to use it.

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A Photo Trip Down Memory Lane

There’ son particular order or anything just some photos I randomly selected from years of shows including AVN, Internext, Tampa, VSDA, ECVS and others they brought back mamories for me.

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This Site Has Not Been Sold

To set the rumor mill at ease mikesouth.com has not been sold.  It is true that I am close to retiring from it, it has not  been sold nor is

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I started watching a new docu-drama about Mars that is running on Nat Geo.  The premise is our first attempt to colonize the dead planet. To fully appreciate the task

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Closing in on 60

As I write this I am thinking,  I have been considering retirement for a long time, my 59th birthday is coming later this month and I was reading one of

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Mark Stone Passes

Mark Stone passed today, Mark was one of the last of the old school porners, he was well liked and it seems nobody ever had anything but kind words to

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One Nation Under Surveillance

This is EXACTLY the kind of thing that ends up being used inappropriately and no doubt will be used against porners. Dont start finger pointing at Trump or Obama either

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Encoding Your Video

In keeping with the move towards helping girls and guys who want to do it themselves this is the question I get the most….I have the video on my camcorder…now

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What I Think

I have been asked what I think about particular things so here we go…in no particular order   President Elect Trump:  certainly not my first choice but I refuse to

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Who’da Thunk It

Well Its over, and Trump won. It will be interesting to see how the transition of power happens. Clinton was shallow to refuse to concede, show she is as low

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It All Comes Down To This

I will be updating this post as the night goes on I have access to AP and UPI feeds and will be calling results as they are posted…feel free to

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und Die Frauleinen Auf Deutsch

Remember a couple weeks ago I mentioned a German film crew was here….here is some of the video from that…Its in German except for me n Dakota Charms and Carli

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The Freedom To Film Pornography

In keeping with the theme of helping those who are doing it themselves a long time financial supporter of this site has written a paper called “The Freedom To Film

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Now Safe For Work

Hopefully this will bring more incoming links from mainstream. Also I was notified that the donation link was broken…seems Paypal changed the rules for donations and I didn’t fit the

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