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When hookers go hungry
Adult News
Hamilton Steele

When Hookers go Hungry

When hookers go hungry it’s a symptom of  a dystopian society. When hookers go hungry is when it’s time to re-examine our relationship with government and big tech. The world’s

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Open Borders
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Open Borders

Open borders and passport-free travel are arguably human rights Open borders and passport-free travel can be viewed from both secular and religious perspectives. However the cultural intersection of these view

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Fixing immigration
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Fixing immigration

Fixing immigration requires new ideas Fixing immigration is one of those subjects that polarizes the general public. On one hand, there’s a segment of the population who acknowledges the valuable

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Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Defining Freedom

Defining freedom is often complicated Defining freedom was discussed by Milton Friedman, a prominent economist.  Freedom is often associated with advocating for free-market capitalism and individual freedom. His quote, “The

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Laila Mickelwait goes after pornhub
Hamilton Steele

Laila Mickelwait goes after Pornhub

Laila Mickelwait goes after Pornhub seeking justice It’s difficult to not be a conspiracy theorist today. The world continues to embrace the ever increasing global madness. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, young

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A gun to your head
Free Speech
Hamilton Steele

A Gun to your head

A Gun to your head is going to be AI A gun to your head makes you do whatever the one holding the gun wants. It removes choice and free

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Kendra Lust
Legal News
Laura Lovely

Porn Star Kendra Lust a house hold name harassed with BS Federal Securities and Exchange charge

Crypto proves Risky Business for the unsuspecting  Porn Star Kendra Lust  HERE https://www.brazzers.com/pornstar/2617/kendra-lust/?ats=eyJhIjozMDgxNzUsImMiOjU5MDQwMjk0LCJuIjo4NCwicyI6NjE3LCJlIjo5ODYyLCJwIjoxfQ In a move that demonstrates the risks investors face, when cryptocurrency securities are offered without proper disclosure, The Securities

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The Economist: Germany helps sex workers idled by COVID-19
XXX Insider

Is there a problem with privates?

Here is the problem with an agent booking a private under the guise of it being a legitimate shoot. The problem is, the girls have sold themselves short because the

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Is social media dying
guest Editorial
Hamilton Steele

Is social media dying ?

And why is social media dying if true? There are many reasons why social media is dying and perhaps its least acknowledged fault is that it makes everyone miserable. Unless

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