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Brothel-Backed Blundo Busted for Corruption
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Brothel-Backed Blundo Busted for Corruption

Pahrump, Nevada — On Thanksgiving morning, Nye County Commissioner Leo Blundo was arrested for misconduct of a public officer after county administrators filed a complaint noting that Blundo voted on

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Unintended Effects: Forbes Reports on the #MeToo Disaster
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The #MeToo Backash

The #MeToo movement is a social movement against sexual abuse and sexual harassment where people publicize allegations of sex crimes committed by powerful and/or prominent men. The phrase “Me Too”

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Legal Definition of Rape

In light of the recent addition of charges against Ron Jeremy people are talking about the legal definition of rape. This was updated by the justice department, and it is

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Flash Brown in Jail
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Flash Brown Gets Off with Probation

Flash Brown is now a free man. Flash Brown was charged in March of 2019 on several charges to which Flash Brown  pled not guilty. It appears two counts of

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Aubrey Gold Update

I wanted to give you just a quick update about Aubrey Gold’s case since her arrest last week.  She is in custody, awaiting extradition to Florida from Alabama, where she

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Ron Jeremy Faces Life in Prison
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Ron Jeremy Faces Life in Prison

The authorities have added 20 new charges. Ron Jeremy, 67, was initially charged with three counts each of forcible rape and forcible penetration by a foreign object and one count

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So long 2257? Not so fast ….

There has been a lot of chatter today about a recent court decision. Some have inappropriately said that FSC defeated the 2257 regulations. That isn’t true. This claim is rather misleading

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