BFF Daniel Przygoda, and front-row seat cheer leader minion to Donny Long, aka Donald Trunk aka, proclaimed Porn God, Donald Carlos Seoane, aka Donald C Seone, has abandoned vicious and formidable cyber theater offensives against the Porn industry. What we have here now is perhaps finality with Donny clobbering Osceola County Florida Family Court Judge Holly Derenthal, and her family, and Sheriff Marcos Lopez.
Holly Derenthal vs Donny Long. Step into the ring of your life

Donny is arrested and held in county jail. After claiming that Judge Holly Derenthal and the Local county Sheriff conspired to ruin him and hold his children in a legal battle. The Judge appears to have made a few phone calls to a small town’s county, sheriff, and DCS officials, who appeared to have sited with Long, still resulting in Donny Long’s arrest.
The bitter, long battle, began with a jury trial where Donald C Seone was found NOT GUILTY. Thats right! Donny beat a jury trial, A jury of his peers agreed with him. One count was for an alleged Human Trafficking charge. Long was found NOT guilty of all charges. Then came the shit storm.
The Series of drummed-up charges and collaboration of Judge Holley Derenthal and Sheriff Marcos Lopez. Below

Below is a link documenting Donny Long, AKA Donald Trunk, bitter legal fight.
Donny Long was elevated to fame by none other than a sick Fanboi: Dan Przygoda. Daniel Przygoda is known for making fake news videos, right down to using fake dollars in hit-piece videos.
We have reached out to Dan for a comment. He is not returning calls. Dan blocked us on Twitter X.
We are ready to publish text messages of him harassing young female porn stars, Awaiting his comment, or him calling us liars. One text thread included a talent begging him to remove her from his fake news nonsense ragtag “Video”, BRAVE GIRL. Dan ignored her desperate plea. Yeah THIS GUY @dprzygoda
This is an Interview, from approximately 2011, When Donny was not a household name.
Dan, Can be heard here so excited at the misery of Epic Doxxing of Adult stars. Mr Przygoda ever so delighted to perpetuate, the Misery of over 15,000 individuals DOXXED. On the now debunked PWL thanks to
Listen to What Dan’s obsession is, into 6:40 into the interview, we learn what is so fascinating to Daniel Przygoda. He just loves to whore monger. From what Molested as a child’s womb did he came.?
Donny Long was made famous by the likes of a wanna-be Minion? Is it at its end? Thanks, Dan, you are great. BTW! Stop harassing struggling sex workers by texting, flirting, and fishing to write known BS stories as a payment method to get laid. Please! we have text messages dropped into the e mail box. Presumably, that is why we are blocked?
@victimofthesystem2 Who am I really Donald Seoane aka Donny Long and why women and leftist hate me. #celebrities #history
♬ original sound - victimofthesystemofwomen2
It appears that Donny Long’s strategy could be, section 230 protection. Surely Judge Holly Derenthal’s legal team has vast resources and has already considered this.
Like David and Goliath, Donny should have been more careful when Holly armed her sling. No one wants to be caught, left just praying for a day of bad aim.
Not All Women are found with a Skillet or a pointed projectile dispenser, The pen and cell phones prove mightier than a sword or keyboard.
Will this be the start of a whole new war when Donny leaves his cell? What’s next when Long leaves a cell confinement? Could there be conditions never to have his fingers on a keyboard? Can Donny leave the country and all this becomes a repeat of the past again? :'( #Keyboard furry
One Response
Like the reference to Donald Trunk. Donny did publicly claim he as running for President. He was supposed to be in the Ballot as Donald Trunk.