Mike South

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Lets go Fishin

OK it’s been a busy week and I spent most of the first part of it at the beach.  We had a great couple of days too, we limited out

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I Get Quoted in Maxim

I Get a Blurb in the current issue of Maxim. I haven’t seen it yet but I am told I am quoted in the current issue of Maxim magazine in

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Sorry For The Tardiness

  If you have been watching the news you know what happened in Atlanta yesterday and yes i was in the middle of it returning home from a Dr appointment. 

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A BIG Thank You

To everyone who called, tweeted, facebook messaged, texted or whatever and wished me a happy birthday yesterday. It really does mean a lot to me, and it reminded me that

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I Get Quoted in Forbes

Imagine my surprise…Thanks to Susannah Breslin The link is here http://www.forbes.com/sites/susannahbreslin/2013/12/20/what-porn-stars-do/ That last words are mine.

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The State of the South

Ya I know I have been a little slack this week.   I have been back and forth for MRIs and seeing doctors plus the holidays and all that mess. The

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I Dreamed of Stormy Daniels

  I had a dream Wednesday night, it was your run of the mill benign dream, I was talking to Stormy Daniels, someone I have been friends with for years. 

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Root Canals and Kratom

Its been very quiet…good thing I guess I was in a dentists chair from 1130 this morning till 330 for the rest of my root canal. In all honesty I

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Sorry About That

I have been a bit tardy with the posts, yesterday  I broke a tooth and ended up getting a root canal and despite the pleasant opiate buzz from the pain

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I Play the Kazoo

OK I  admit it, it was a slow day yesterday and I felt the need for a little fun, so I pulled out my playbook and played the Kazoo (Rob

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Yes I Was Fishing Last Weekend

Most of y’all knew it since updates were a little sparse and now that we all know Lacey’s facial issues I will toss in some pics from the weekend. We

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New Server Is Active

if you noticed the site is faster that is because….well….it IS.  We have moved from our old hosting company to M3server .   I can’t say enough good things about these

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Ok Here It Is As Promised

I promised a fishing report and this is it.  Rode the bike down on Fri.  We fished Sat and Sun.  Seas were rough Saturday but we caught some good fish,

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My Only Complaint

Today I am packing to hop on the bike and ride down to Mexico Beach for opening day(s) of snapper season….so maybe expect some pictures of fish over the weekend.

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A New Knee is In My Future

No I’m not asking for money for it LOL. I didn’t update yesterday because I spent most of the day at the orthopedic surgeons office….mostly waiting on him to see

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