Mike South

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Got this from Julie Rage:

Hi Mike, Read the nice post on your site about us. You too were fun to work with. That was indeed the hottest scene, love your nasty pillow talk, you

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JULIE RAGE is coming!

Julie Rage contacted me tonight, she and Greg Steele are good friends and even though they live here I haven’t heard from Julie in a while so this was great.

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Is this my next Big find?:

These pictures were photoshopped to remove the back ground…no other retouching…they are as she sent them to me. Click the pictures for larger images. SweetGirl emails me wanting to get

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Just Damn!

I didn’t get home til after midnight last night so I completely MISSED the Tera Show, in order to recreate the experience I stared intently at a lava lamp for

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EAT YOUR HEART OUT GODDESS! (from Cori Love) The link to My Oxford American Profile is HERE! There were some subtle changes in the text for what I really said

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This email from Perrin

Yeah, Cameron is a hottie. Good for you. I find few things more exciting than hitting it off with a hot black babe. Still have a sexual crush on my

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I will be on the air

on 96 Rock with BC and bubba sometime Wednesday night Jan. 30, 2002. You can listen on the air from the website. The interview will be at 5:00PM EST.

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