Mike South

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Goddess Interviews ….Me:

And in between the serious stuff I have to say theres some pretty funny stuff…most of it by Goddess. With Intros from Curious, Dirty Bob, Richard Freeman, and my Mom…

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Got a Trophy Monday Night:

Thats Me and Steve we caught the 80 lb Class Cobia…I reeled it in and Steve Gaffed it…it was his first time ever gaffing a fish but he did it

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Tera Says She is Out:

Hey Mike my girlfriend and yours went on a local cable show today, Naked New York to promote her new website erikakole.com and who should blow in but Tera.as crazy

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Samantha Phillips and Stuff

Steve Corrects my Story: Yes, Mike Albo is writing for us here at the Bunnyranch, no it’s not Dennis Hof’s life story. It will be a compilation of story that

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I Get a Rare Treat Today:

Breaking: There was a plane crash at the Air Show at Tyndall AFB today, just before the Thunderbirds were set to perform. A pilot flying a soviet made turbo prop

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The moment you look up to the heavens and close your eyes and ask for a miracle, you create a God. If your God answers you, you are in his

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A Call out to my readers:

This weekend at Club Mirage here in Atlanta The real Players Ball is gonna take place. I want to get in and cover it for my site and possibly for

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Indiana ?

02/03/2003 OK Aaron sent me that…I think he needs help…. Gauge sends me this, which defies description: But it does get her site linked here. I’m with the coyote here….fuck

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100% NEGRO:

I love that shirt…It gets more response than anything else I do or write. Here are some examples of actual responses I got wearing that shirt: White Guy: I don’t

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Happy Birthday to the KING!

Goddess, ever the fashion plate writes: forget fashion police, just shoot the boy and put him out of his misery… WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING LEAVING THE HOTEL ROOM

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Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me! Today Goddess is guest writing my column for me so I can take my birthday off: As you know today is a Holy Day of Obligation

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