But…Before I go I can’t help but comment on something, 2 things actually, and they are related. The first is a video put out by Zero Tolerance in which Mark Davis strangles a girl to the point that she loses consciousness. The was proudly confirmed as fact by Greg Alves, Owner of Zero Tolerance and likely a future accessory to murder.
You see this whole asphixiation thing is just asking for trouble. BIG trouble. When you grab someone by the throat one of two things happens. Either they can’t breathe, cutting off the supply of oxygen to the brain, or you compress the carotid artery, cutting off the supply of blood to the brain, or both. Either way the brain is deprived of oxygen and will eventually try to save itself by shutting down all but the most vital functions causing the victim to lose conciousness. In the case of the Carotid Artery this can happen VERY fast. By the time this happens damage has already been done to the brain, it can be severe and it can and does result in death. If you wish to be the first company to make a real snuff film, then continue this practice.
The second has caused quite a stink (pardon the pun) in the biz. It seems some guy doing a website is hiring porn chicks to take part in a reality site, they are then driven around to pick up bums and are encouraged to do some really sick shit like lick the bums asshole.
Yes I abhor this kind of thing BUT…
Can someone please tell me how this differs from the current craze of ass to mouth? Is there some level of socio-economic stature that makes the ingestion of feces acceptable? That’s what it is people, no matter whose ass it comes from…and there are people doing dirty ass to mouth in this biz….is the homeless guy any different from rocco’s shit stained dick really? Or jules jordans?
Will someone please tell me where this ends?
At what point will we in this business stand up and say “This is unacceptable. PERIOD” At what point will we say no amount of money is worth what we are doing to our fellow performers?
Is it ramming a girl in the mouth with your cock until she cries and pukes? Nope…done that
Is it physically assualting a girl until she bruises and breaks down and cries? Nope, dont that.
Maybe it is shoving a shit stained cock into a girls mouth?…nope done that.
Choking a girl until her brain shuts down her body? Nope done that..
about the only thing left is to actually murder her….and I fear its coming sooner rather than later.
Are you mad? I am. Ashamed of this biz? I am. Going to do anything about it? I am going to try….who is with me?
Carly Milne Responds:
Regarding the Mark Davis comment, I completely understand and respect where you’re coming from. But I believe that there is a big difference between strangulation and what Davis did in that title. When Davis works with a girl and the issue of choking is brought up, he tells them every step of the way that if they’re uncomfortable, he will stop. He has stopped in the past. And for some, like Boo, he has continued. But he doesn’t stand their and cut off their breath for minutes upon minutes to the point where brain damage can be suffered… and this is where I believe there is a division. There is a big difference between a three-second choke, and a choke to the point where there is a completely insane risk. Davis is very careful not to cross this line. Bear in mind that I’m not saying that this is something everyone everywhere should do. Just that these people choose to do it — and by that I mean Davis and his participants — and they’re careful about it.
I love ya Carly BUT… when Boo lost concsiousness he was only seconds from killing her if it happened that quickly as you say he had obstructed the main artery to her brain she could have gone comatose, she may even suffer future damage that she doesnt yet know about, it is no different from the small strokes that cause brain damage that is lasting. There is no way…I repeat no way to safely choke someone. Using this logic if Ted Bundy had gotten permission from his victims to kill them he wouldn’t have been guilty of killing them….
797150cookie-checkI have Jury Duty Today so my updates will be done this afternoon:no
I have Jury Duty Today so my updates will be done this afternoon:
But…Before I go I can’t help but comment on something, 2 things actually, and they are related. The first is a video put out by Zero Tolerance in which Mark Davis strangles a girl to the point that she loses consciousness. The was proudly confirmed as fact by Greg Alves, Owner of Zero Tolerance and likely a future accessory to murder.
You see this whole asphixiation thing is just asking for trouble. BIG trouble. When you grab someone by the throat one of two things happens. Either they can’t breathe, cutting off the supply of oxygen to the brain, or you compress the carotid artery, cutting off the supply of blood to the brain, or both. Either way the brain is deprived of oxygen and will eventually try to save itself by shutting down all but the most vital functions causing the victim to lose conciousness. In the case of the Carotid Artery this can happen VERY fast. By the time this happens damage has already been done to the brain, it can be severe and it can and does result in death. If you wish to be the first company to make a real snuff film, then continue this practice.
The second has caused quite a stink (pardon the pun) in the biz. It seems some guy doing a website is hiring porn chicks to take part in a reality site, they are then driven around to pick up bums and are encouraged to do some really sick shit like lick the bums asshole.
Yes I abhor this kind of thing BUT…
Can someone please tell me how this differs from the current craze of ass to mouth? Is there some level of socio-economic stature that makes the ingestion of feces acceptable? That’s what it is people, no matter whose ass it comes from…and there are people doing dirty ass to mouth in this biz….is the homeless guy any different from rocco’s shit stained dick really? Or jules jordans?
Will someone please tell me where this ends?
At what point will we in this business stand up and say “This is unacceptable. PERIOD” At what point will we say no amount of money is worth what we are doing to our fellow performers?
Is it ramming a girl in the mouth with your cock until she cries and pukes? Nope…done that
Is it physically assualting a girl until she bruises and breaks down and cries? Nope, dont that.
Maybe it is shoving a shit stained cock into a girls mouth?…nope done that.
Choking a girl until her brain shuts down her body? Nope done that..
about the only thing left is to actually murder her….and I fear its coming sooner rather than later.
Are you mad? I am. Ashamed of this biz? I am. Going to do anything about it? I am going to try….who is with me?
Carly Milne Responds:
Regarding the Mark Davis comment, I completely understand and respect where you’re coming from. But I believe that there is a big difference between strangulation and what Davis did in that title. When Davis works with a girl and the issue of choking is brought up, he tells them every step of the way that if they’re uncomfortable, he will stop. He has stopped in the past. And for some, like Boo, he has continued. But he doesn’t stand their and cut off their breath for minutes upon minutes to the point where brain damage can be suffered… and this is where I believe there is a division. There is a big difference between a three-second choke, and a choke to the point where there is a completely insane risk. Davis is very careful not to cross this line. Bear in mind that I’m not saying that this is something everyone everywhere should do. Just that these people choose to do it — and by that I mean Davis and his participants — and they’re careful about it.
I love ya Carly BUT… when Boo lost concsiousness he was only seconds from killing her if it happened that quickly as you say he had obstructed the main artery to her brain she could have gone comatose, she may even suffer future damage that she doesnt yet know about, it is no different from the small strokes that cause brain damage that is lasting. There is no way…I repeat no way to safely choke someone. Using this logic if Ted Bundy had gotten permission from his victims to kill them he wouldn’t have been guilty of killing them….
I have Jury Duty Today so my updates will be done this afternoon:
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