Goddess sends the following questions

I have no idea what the relevance is but in what there is of her mind they must be important so I will attempt to answer them:

dear mr south,
my girlfriend told me she uses a teeny tiny brush to clean the lint from her belly button…i just use my finger and dig it out…how do you clean the lint from your belly button?
belly button lint goddess

Well Goddess I have always used a heavy duty shop Vac for that, with the nozzle attachment that gets into tight places. In your cae I might recommend putting a little milk in there and letting yer cat lick it out.

dear mike,
how can i get more fiber in my diet?

Eat a Corvette

dear mr south
i found this poor starving cat while walking along the highway one day and i carried him home–welll several of us carried him home. but now i’m wondering what i should call him? can you think of an appropriate name for my pussy? thanks

This ones easy name it Mark Kernes

dear mr south,
how can i get my husband and my 16 lazy kids (the ones that are not still on the breast) to pick up after themselves?

It is your job to pick up after them, now get your lazy, bitch ass up off the sofa, turn off Oprah and clean that fucking trailer!

In addition learn to punctuate and capitalize properly. To think you call yourself a writer! Your editor should flog you.

Read more of Goddess’s odd wit and humor at her site.

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Goddess sends the following questions

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