Mike South

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A Sign Of The Times

I have been meaning to write more about my time in Tampa and things being rather quiet in porn this is prolly as good a time as any.  During the

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A Sad Follow Up

Back in February I wrote this:  If It Were Your Life, What Would You Do?  It was about one of us, a guy in the biz as a producer/director who

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The Toughest Girl I Know

So Sandra was learning to read and things were going well for her, she has a stick to itiveness that certainly paid off in the long run. She was a

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Sofa King We Tod Did

Of late I have been enjoying life, a lot actually.  I find myself sitting on my back deck on the swing, watching the birds and the hummingbirds and the squirrels

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What Condition My Condition Is In

I am recovering….slowly.  Since fathers day up until day before yesterday it seems my life was in black and white, things are fuzzy, I have only scattered memories and many

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Lets Get To It

Bear with me yall i can only use one hand to type.  As much as there is to talk about (the sumpreme court got it right!) and as selfish as

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One Split Second

I have been contemplating whether or not to write about this since Saturday morning when it happened.  I decided that I have shared the details of my life here for

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Why I’m Not Rich

I got a story in the last week that would have made me and this blog world famous, we would be a household word by now.  But it bothered me,

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Rest In Peace Dan Barros

Very few people in porn these days would know the name Dan Barros but he left an indelible mark on the biz to be sure. I first met Dan in

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I’m Getting Bored

One of the things I always liked about working in the IT biz as a consultant was that I got to do a lot of public speaking, something I am

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WOW What A Birthday

First of all I have to say a HUGE Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, I literally got hundreds of emails, messages selfies and what not…WOW

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Welcome To All My Readers

I have gotten a lot of  emails recently from new readers, they aren’t complaining but they are noting that a lot of the things I write about are very esoteric

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Happy Thanksgiving!

One of the things I’m thankful for is all of my readers…. I’m spending Thanksgiving with family and wherever all of you guys (and girls) are I hope you have

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A Few Words To Christian Mann

I am not one who believes in talking about people when they aren’t around to hear it.  I won’t be eulogizing about you because I am saying it now. You

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Makes Vice.com

They interviewed me last week on the topic of “Rosebud” porn. Now the story is out….Give  it a read here. http://www.vice.com/read/a-rosebud-by-any-other-name-would-smell-like-shit Even edgy sites like Vice find the practices of

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