Mike South

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Mike South Commentary
Mike South

Shelly Lubben Passes Away

Shelly Lubben Died! Porn Star Shelly Lubben passes away Yesterday in Springfield CA at the age of 50.  The controversial porn star died from drinking herself to death..  The news

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Mike South
Mike South

Colonel Rob Passes

Admittedly this name won’t mean much to most but to a lot of porners and particularly anyone else who was a true non-comformist the guy was a legend. His video

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Golden Age Actor R Bolla Passes

Golden age porn actor Richard Bolla aka R Bolla has passed. There probably aren’t 5 people currently in porn who have a clue who he was but they all owe

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Porn idiocy
Mike South

Karma Gets Jessica Chase

Montgomery County Prosecutor Mat Heck, Jr. Today, 35 year old Jessica Lynn Grieco was sentenced to 8 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter. She shot Peter Underwood inside their Harrison

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Mike south's Life
Mike South

Mexico Beach My Second Home

As most of you who have read me here know my second home is Mexico Beach, Florida.  I’m in Atlanta having cancelled my trip down last week because of the

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Mike South Commentary
Mike South

Why Even Have Testing

The latest HIV nonscare is just so much BS.  Im gonna keep this short and sweet….nobody is following the moratorium and why would they, unless you have been under a

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Mike South Commentary
Mike South

Charlotte Cross Broadsides Karen Tynan

I made a twitter post last Friday asking APAC where they stood on the 4 (now 5) performers filing a complaint against LA Direct and Derek Hay, seeing that APAC

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Mike South Commentary
Mike South

The Elephant In The News

As I wrote a while back here It is the question I got the most, til recently that is.  Will there be another Jenna? Now you could certainly argue that

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Mike south's Life
Mike South

What I Have Been Up To

Im getting  a few emails…Okay more than a few asking what I am doing and all that so I figured I would catch you guys up…First I am enjoying retirement

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Mike South
Mike South

I Made The New York Times

Over the years I have developed many contacts in the mainstream media, I know that can be a slippery slope but my experience has been that if you are honest

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Mike South Commentary
Mike South

The Next Jenna Jameson

I can’t even begin to count the number of times I have heard it, or been asked if I thought there would ever be another Jenna Jameson. Until very recently

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Mike South Commentary
Mike South

August Ames, Just A Thought

I have been thinking about this and it really seems to me that the best thing we could do is just skip the Xbiz Awards and get together someplace and

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Mike South Commentary
Mike South

Lets Talk About Ala Damn Bama

I will admit I never saw this one coming.  I believed as did most, apparently that despite Roy Moore being a predator of young women, young as in under 18,

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Mike South Commentary
Mike South

A Bit More On Greg Steele

AVN finally got around to reporting on this story, the interesting thing to me is that they mostly used Melissa Hill’s eulogy but the felt they need to leave out

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Porn Deaths
Mike South

Death #2 Greg Steel

This was written by Melissa Hill, who told me of Greg’s passing.  I added a few things Rest In Peace, Greg Steel: I’m in shock right now. My emotions are

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Porn Deaths
Mike South

Death Number 3 RIP Trixie Kelly

This one is the most recent and the one that hurts me most. Trixie passed a few weeks ago at her home in Florida, autopsy results are pending but drugs

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Mike South Commentary
Mike South

If You Want To Fight, Make It Count

Given the events in this country of late I have to say …It;s just so fucking stupid! There I said it. I don’t care which side you or on, whether

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