Mike South

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Apologies To Taylor Wane:

n the bit below on Mr Baldwin I credited Taylor with having rebuked me over a comment about Heather Veitch. It has come to my attention that Taylor wasn’t even

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When Is a DVD NOT A DVD?:

When it won’t play in your DVD player. For all the hype Vivid is going to try and generate with their “downloadable DVD” product..It isn’t really DVD, sure it will

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Wankus Accepts:

Mr Tyler Faith writes: Oh my god, I won! I’m so excited! I would like to thank the fans…especially Lawrence Skinectity who was in the front row at Al’s Caberet

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Happy Birthday USA!

My Buddy hart Williams Writes: Monday, July 04, 2005 A LITTLE STORY OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION or HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY Behind Mr. Bush on the podium Tuesday night was

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Is Wankus a Suitcase Pimp:

I was havin a confab with one of my buds the other day and we got to talkin about how sensitive Wankus Faith has gotten since he assimilated Tyler. I’m

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PornChick Assimilation Complete:

Wankus has announced his pending nuptuals, at first I thought it meant he would become Mrs Gene Ross, but I later found out that he will finally succeed where Kurt

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Wankus Says:

Mikey! Loved your post. Couldn’t agree more. But let me try. First, a listing of Tyler’s [Faith] grub at my BBQ this past weekend. Hamburger, Steak, Chicken, corn, salad and

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BT Writes:

You know, it’s weird. There’s a picture of Janine on DP’s website, but no news release about her going over. I watched her comeback feature, and I gotta say, I

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Wankus writes:

Hey Mike! First of all…GODDAMN IT! I try to hate you and you keep printing shit that keeps me coming back to your site. Fuck you for that. LOL Anyway,

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Have I been Had?:

Patrick Writes Hey Mike, I think it might be too late, but you should think of reworking your deal with Adella. Why??? Because Island Fever 3 is the last title

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Dale’s Question About August gets an Answer:

Hi Mike, August just “hosted” a weekly party here in LA: Hi Mike, August just “hosted” a weekly party here in LA: http://www.thefloatingworld.com/xplicitwesthollywood-April-6-2004.html. And I know that she’s been showing

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From Da Mailbag!

Hands down best one to date! I am still laughing my ass off. Please create an Adella Graphic section on the site. And thanks for reviewing all the Zero Tolerance

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Wank gets Cranked Up:

The post below has Wankus all wound up tight…and on his birthday no less…. Wankus we got a sayin here in the south. Never mud wrestle with a pig, you

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Ed Writes:

Dude, Tell your boy Wankus he sounds like a idiot. I have been doing adult sites for over ten years and only a complete moron would put any faith in

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Kevin Moore Writes:

Hi Mike, Thanks for dropping me an email. I’d just rather this story die though. Seriously it was no big deal. It came down to a space issue. There’s no

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I am Finally Getting Caught Up:

New reviews are up and things are getting back to normal around here…whatever that is. I do want to take this opportunity to thank a couple of people who I

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Samantha Sterlying Scared:

Word is that Samantha Sterling pulled a no show here because she was afraid that Kiki Diare and Felicia Fox would kick her ass. Wankus told her that Felicia would

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Richard Writes:

Hey Mike, It’s actually Dick Smothers JUNIOR…not Dick Smothers of the Smothers Brothers. Another child of a celebrity cashing in on Dad’s success. I wouldn’t call Dickie Junior a celebrity

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