Mike South

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Tim Reports in from the road:

TimCase and Felicia Fox On the Road Again: Day Two What is TimCase reading? “Batteries Not Included”, Volume IX, Issues 7-10 What is FiFi eating? Stonyfield Farm Organic Yogurt (Peach

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(or, Four Weeks on the Road with Felicia Fox) Thursday, 10/4/02, Day 10 Yeah, yeah…I know. Get off my back, South. I’m behind on updates by ten freaking days…I know

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What a great chick!

  I had the honor of a date with Devon Michaels on Friday Night…wow she is the coolest chick on the planet. We went to a webgirl party at a

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Tim Case sends this one my way:

Re: Upcoming Porn Invasion of Florida: Dear Goddess of the Universe, This weekend, Dirty Bob, Mike South, TimCase, and Felicia Fox are all leaving their humble domiciles and heading for

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Tim Case sends me this one:

Mike South, Don’t feel too bad about all your distribution woes, Mike. The people in south Florida may be deprived of your superior product, but I’ve got to tell you

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