Mike South

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Sundays In Dayton

Are a break. Every night when Tim’s club is open (Flamingo Showclub on North Dixie) I’m there, all night. I don’t want to miss anything. Tim’s lovely dancers (Secretia, Nausea,

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Porn Power Couples

Do couples that play together stay together in the biz. AVN ran this feature a few years ago and as far as I remember every shining example the gave are

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Tim Case Writes

Dude, I loved Brian’s letter in response to your story almost as much as I loved the original story. I guarantee you the hot 45 year old chick with the

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When Is a DVD NOT A DVD?:

When it won’t play in your DVD player. For all the hype Vivid is going to try and generate with their “downloadable DVD” product..It isn’t really DVD, sure it will

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NOW AVAILABLE! Southern Bukkake Video

If Your Store Or Distributor Doesn’t Have It…FIRE Them Because They SUCK! Tim Case Writes In: Mike: I have seen the light. The cosmos sings…the electrons dance. A butterfly flaps

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Out With The Old

Ladies 21 and UP I Have some FREE passes to The Players Ball In Las Vegas: This is the biggest and best Party in Vegas! It is a PRIVATE Industry

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Me Tim and Fifi Make The Village Voice:

I got the photo credit… http://www.villagevoice.com/people/index.php?issue=0534&page=taormino&id=67070 Greg Gregory Dies: Greg was a content shooter in South Florida, those of us who knew him know he was a stand up guy,

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Robert Lombard Takes Issue:

My Good Friend Mr. South Rarely is there a day that goes by without reading you comments and opinions and my sides hurt with laughter. This time I must respond

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Tim Case Update:

Photo Compliments of Dirty Bob Tim Case Update: He is checked into the hospital for just tonight and some of tomorrow, he is being fitted for a back brace and

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Spyder POOKIE? Or Pookie Patrick?

Spyder POOKIE? Or Pookie Patrick? Green Lantern Writes: Get this, Tera Patrick’s nickname for her husband Evan is POOKIE!!!! Mike, I know you can find some way to use this

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Crickett Writes:

Major acquisition that will rock a certain aspect of the adult industry… What? Did DP finally acquire the rights to use Janine’s other arm? And ZalRiva Has Another Caption: “No,

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David Aaron Clark Writes:

“I got word” …. Yeah, Helen is a transsexual. So fucking what? It has NOTHING to do with Tim’s bitching, which actually shocked me, considering that Helen has always been

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A Big Thank You:

To the folks in Toronto, who came out to see us! Also to thebluepages.com and Masquerade Entertainment. I had a ball! That’s me with Carmen Luvana in the Limo. Carmen

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Wankus writes:

Hey Mike! First of all…GODDAMN IT! I try to hate you and you keep printing shit that keeps me coming back to your site. Fuck you for that. LOL Anyway,

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This Hottie is Lexi LaMour

This Hottie is Lexi LaMour You Can See More of Her at LexiLaMour.com Lexi is a national feature who had yet to do boy/girl, but when she did decide to

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