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How Rock N Roll Came To Russia

I was reading and I came across this fascinating bit of rock n roll history first ya might wanna give a listen to these couple of minutes of the Elvis

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Tila Tequila Is Gonna Make A Porn

My Buddy Jessie at RockConfidential.com Scooped Everyone with this story….Good one man. Rock Confidential has confirmed through an industry insider that Tila Tequila Nguyen has brokered a deal to shoot

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The Gene Simmons Sex Tape

The story broke today that there is a Gene Simmons sex tape in existence and that you can now see your favorite KISS bassist throwing down with some Aussie chick

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Rock N Roll Trivia:

Of 321 well known musicians who died prematurely: 40 died from drug overdoses 36 by suicide 22 in aircraft crashes 35 in car crashes 18 murdered 9 drowned in their

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Reb and PGI Out of Business?

Looks like it, the numbers are disconnected…couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. ECVS now HERE According to the West Coast: (If that makes no sense read on) ENCINO, Calif.

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Tod Mourns: Mike Stokey died. To people of a certain age, especially if we grew up in L.A., he was a TV pioneer. Game show host and producer, who devised

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We Have some Gene Sightings!

In the “They HAVE to be good for something Dept.” Woman shot in chest but saved by silicone implants A Brazilian woman, shot in crossfire between police and drug dealers,

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First of all let us say, we check your site daily and read your daily scoop. Lately, this bashing of Evan has turned focus towards other musicians in a negative

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The Republicans Wept Today:

As Al Gore announced that he would not seek the Democratic Nomination, there is still hope that Hillary might do so though. Tod Hunter was unavailable for comment. The BBC

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