Mike South

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AB640 is Stalled Until December

It is surprising to me but AB640 failed to reach the Assembly floor last night meaning that it is now stalled until December when the legislature re-convenes. So we have

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Diane Duke Blew It

That last HIV Positive was an interesting scenario.  The FSC and Diane Duke were eager to leak the news that there was a new HIV Positive and that the person

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Is AB332 Now Over

I have been talking to folks involved and while the Bill is held up in committee and essentially dead word on the street is it is far from over.  The

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This Is Just Too Easy

As most of you know I am an avid sportsman, I don’t hunt much anymore because I eat what I kill and I’m just not that fond of venison, I

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Why AB332 Is A Lock To Pass

I got the following email that was send to several bigwigs at AHF.  You can bet your ass it’s gonna be used to pass it.  now I know you may

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The FSC Chose Poorly On Wednesday

I got this yesterday from Joe Camicia, A lobbyist in California, maybe the FSC should consider hiring him or something, assuming he would work for them.   Interesting hearing. As

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AB 332 Passes Update

The two missing committee members both voted in favor of AB 332 making it 5-0  in favor.  it now moves on to another committee then to the CA Assembly, where

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