Search Results for: Florida – Page 11

Some FeedBack:

Frank Writes: Dude, Not having heard from you in a while, I was beginning to think you’ve been overworked or too distracted, wondering what Goddess

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This happened the last day in Miami but it’s the most significant to me. I woke up Saturday morning never dreaming in a million years

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Happy Birthday A-Dell

And there were porners abiding in the field, keeping watch over their contract girls by night, and lo the man of Jewn came upon them

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Me Tim and Fifi Make The Village Voice:

I got the photo credit… Greg Gregory Dies: Greg was a content shooter in South Florida, those of us who knew him know he

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Oh No, It’s Buffalo Penis:

Oh No, It’s Buffalo Penis:(From Uh oh. here’s the new Buffalo nickel that our U.S.Mint is now distributing. It’s going to cause some problems

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Funny Story O The Day:

Everyone’s favorite head for animated GIFs sends me a press release yesterday for Jack’s Playground 18. and it quotes me saying “EVEN Mike South acknowledges,

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Back In Canada

I like it up here and apparently they like me, so it’s all good. Not much happening in the world of porn but that’s normal

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APornChick Writes:

Hi Mr. South, I just wanted to let you know how right you are about people in porn but it isn’t limited to the girls.

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Serenity A Mommy:

Not only did she make the Hall of Fame this year, she and Steve are the proud parents of a brand new bouncing baby…well…baby. (

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Wankus writes:

Hey Mike! First of all…GODDAMN IT! I try to hate you and you keep printing shit that keeps me coming back to your site. Fuck

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Mike South

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