Mike South

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Another One Bites the Dust

As most of you know Adultfyi is now gone as well.  Gene left it ages ago to sell sports memorabilia with Scotty Schwartz.  Gene bestowed the site to his pal

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Check The Temperature In Hell

I have come to defend Rob Black I saw over on a lesser site where he is being chastized for cutting a deal.  Apparently this moron thinks that Rob should

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One Porn Company Has Principles:

When Rob Black relaunched his shitty website, he trolled gofuckyourself.com for webmasters to promote him. This caused a bit of a stir in that to most of the online community

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Yayaya, I know:

What’s that NASA Cassini thing got to do with porn? Absofuckinglutely nothing. But I did have it 4 hours before they announced it…Still got a friend or two at the

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BT Writes:

Mike: It’ll be a couple of years before Rob Black stands trial. Sirkin’s a smart lawyer. He is going to want a re-hearing in front of the whole court because

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Just As I Knew He Would:

Rob looked exactly like the uneducated fool that he is last night on Nightline. Thanks Rob You little fuck. Lou Sirkin Takes a Shot: In an interview with Kernes, Lou

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On the Tera/Vivid Thing:

I am shocked, AVN came late with this story (way, late) but it appears that they have corroberated the story with Digital Playground. When I called Adella, she didn’t know

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Rob Black on America’s most wanted?

Word is that Rob has attracted the attention of “America’s Most Wanted” in conjunction with the assault and attempted sexual mutilation of a wrestler known as “The Messiah”. I have

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