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Gandhi porn and censorship
Adult News
Hamilton Steele

Gandhi porn and censorship

Gandhi porn and censorship in the modern age Gandhi porn and censorship seem like 3 very unlikely topics to be linked together. However, Mahatma Gandhi once said, « There are unjust

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When hookers go hungry
Adult News
Hamilton Steele

When Hookers go Hungry

When hookers go hungry it’s a symptom of  a dystopian society. When hookers go hungry is when it’s time to re-examine our relationship with government and big tech. The world’s

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Fearless Pioneers to Spineless Content Creators
Adult News
Hamilton Steele

Fearless Pioneers to Spineless Content Creators

How the old school pornographers kept you free The pornography industry has metamorphosed from sleazy underground tabloids and movie theaters to socially accepted digital streaming into everyone’s home. While a

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There is compelling evidence
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

There is compelling evidence

There is compelling evidence that government is orchestrating the border crisis. There is compelling evidence to suggest that Western governments have intentionally manufactured the border crisis to generate public outrage

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Generation Z
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Generation Z is the Generation of hate

Generation Z is the generation of hate by design. Generation Z, perhaps it’s due to the government’s never ending propaganda and diversionary tactics which amplify distrust among individuals. Or, perhaps

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Open Borders
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Open Borders

Open borders and passport-free travel are arguably human rights Open borders and passport-free travel can be viewed from both secular and religious perspectives. However the cultural intersection of these view

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Here's a bag of weed
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Here’s a bag of weed

Here’s a bag of weed, now go fuck yourself. Here’s a bag of weed, enjoy the moment, because you have no future. This what society is saying to today’s youth.

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Fixing immigration
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Fixing immigration

Fixing immigration requires new ideas Fixing immigration is one of those subjects that polarizes the general public. On one hand, there’s a segment of the population who acknowledges the valuable

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Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Defining Freedom

Defining freedom is often complicated Defining freedom was discussed by Milton Friedman, a prominent economist.  Freedom is often associated with advocating for free-market capitalism and individual freedom. His quote, “The

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Hip-Hop was created by the CIA
Main Stream Media
Hamilton Steele

Hip-Hop was created by the CIA

Hip-Hop was created by the CIA says former agent Hip-Hop was created by the CIA as a method of social disruption.   For those of us who hate the canned auto-tuned

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Laila Mickelwait goes after pornhub
Hamilton Steele

Laila Mickelwait goes after Pornhub

Laila Mickelwait goes after Pornhub seeking justice It’s difficult to not be a conspiracy theorist today. The world continues to embrace the ever increasing global madness. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, young

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Modern Slavery
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Modern Slavery

We’re all in the grips of modern slavery Modern slavery is being perpetrated on a historically unimaginable scale and you’re probably a victim of it. Mark Twain once said that

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Make 1984 fiction again
America the police state
Hamilton Steele

Make 1984 fiction again

Make 1984 fiction again if you enjoy freedom. Make 1984 fiction again or doom us to be the last generation to understand its warning. Most people who have read George

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A gun to your head
Free Speech
Hamilton Steele

A Gun to your head

A Gun to your head is going to be AI A gun to your head makes you do whatever the one holding the gun wants. It removes choice and free

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Consenting to incest
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Consenting to Incest

Consenting to Incest is controversial Consenting to Incest raises significant ethical, legal, and moral questions. Any sexual relationship between close family members is considered incest, while consenting to incest refers

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Group Sex
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Group sex should be normalized

Group sex might make society a better place Group sex, also known as group sexuality, refers to sexual behavior that involves multiple participants. Despite being a relatively common form of

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America the police state
Hamilton Steele

Truth and Beauty

Truth and Beauty or Happiness ? Giving up truth and beauty is the price for human happiness. – Mustapha Mond, World Controller In the war for humanity’s soul, human beings

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Is social media dying
guest Editorial
Hamilton Steele

Is social media dying ?

And why is social media dying if true? There are many reasons why social media is dying and perhaps its least acknowledged fault is that it makes everyone miserable. Unless

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Hercules in the Louvre
Hamilton Steele

The Destruction of males

The modern era is causing the destruction of males. World wide, testosterone levels and sperm count are falling and it’s no less than the destruction of males. Sperm counts have

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Make a Buck
Free Speech
Hamilton Steele

Make a Buck

Make a buck or GTFO should be a business slogan In today’s woke world you’re going to make enemies with the mantra of make a buck or GTFO (Get The

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Free Speech
Hamilton Steele

Dealing with Disinformation

The Disinformation board is Our Ministry of Truth It’s official, we have arrived in the Orwellian times we were warned about in the novel 1984; Biden’s Disinformation Board is our

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Ageism in the adult industry
Adult Model
Hamilton Steele

Ageism is Age Discrimination

Ageism is promoted in our culture. Ageism is both highly profitable and furnishes government with an absurd amount of control over its citizens. I’m a businessman, and porn just happens

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Supporting a cause
Adult Model
Hamilton Steele

Supporting a Cause

Supporting a cause has become popular for many businesses   The last thing to come to mind when faced with a pornographer (or sex worker for that matter), is a

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The Internet Blacklist
Free Speech
Hamilton Steele

The Internet Blacklist Database

Is an Internet Blacklist Database really necessary? It shouldn’t surprise anyone that big tech companies like Twitter, Instagram, and Google share an Internet blacklist database. Known as the Global Internet

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Mia Khalifa
Adult Actress
Hamilton Steele

Mia Khalifa Regrets Doing Porn

Interviewers report regrets doing porn. Mia Khalifa is a very sexy Lebanese immigrant, who loves being the center of attention but regrets doing porn. She got contracted by the biggest

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support censorship
Hamilton Steele

Support Censorship

Blacklist people in porn who support censorship The fact that there are people in porn who support censorship isn’t surprising, because there’s a lot of dimwitted people today. However, what

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hijab honeys and burka babes
Hamilton Steele

Hijab Honeys and Burka Babes

Hijab Honeys and Burka Babes are entering porn. Muslim women are defined by Westerners by what they wear, and in porn this translates into hijab honeys and burka babes. Making

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