Mike South

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Hell Really has Frozen Over:

Margold has stepped down from the FSC. No word if he has stepped down in the same manner that Bill Lyon did ( amidst allegations of financial improprieties). I doubt

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ICM Registry v.FSC?:

It seems the overwhelming majority of the people in the Free Speech Coalition are, in fact, against this unholy alliance to ramrod through the .xxx Top Level Domain. One thing

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Big Thanks:

Yesterday I left Atlanta for Florida and about halfway down I realized that I had not taken care of something I should have taken care of. I needed to ask

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Hey, they did hear me knocking:

Hi Mike, We could easily say that we are opposed to what they are doing. What would that accomplish? They are private companies making business decisions. The same kind of

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Survival of the fittest

Its been weeks and the worthless band of thieves known as the Free Speech Coalition still haven’t even released a statement. I have a theory as to why. You see

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FSC can you hear me?

I want to officially ask the Free Speech Coalition where they are on this Visa thing? They should be knee deep in getting an injunction stopping this bullshit until they

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The Internet Freedom Association:

On Saturday during the InterneXt show I attended a legal seminar. One of the topics was the formation of an industry association to help us look after ourselves AND potentially

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Call a spade a spade:

Hey South, Why don’t you just call the FSC a mondey laundering operation and be done with it, that’s what it really looks like. Keep up the Good Work Steven

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From AVN.com:

“Attorney Roger Diamond Recaps Glasser Triumph at Free Speech Coalition Meeting Ramona Ripston Discusses ACLU” All I can say is this: “Is there no thievery to which the Free Screech

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It is reported on AM 700 WLW that Elyse Metcalf is in “critical condition” and is “fighting for her life”. The news I am getting is breaking but apparently there

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