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Generation Z
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Generation Z is the Generation of hate

Generation Z is the generation of hate by design. Generation Z, perhaps it’s due to the government’s never ending propaganda and diversionary tactics which amplify distrust among individuals. Or, perhaps

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Modern Slavery
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Modern Slavery

We’re all in the grips of modern slavery Modern slavery is being perpetrated on a historically unimaginable scale and you’re probably a victim of it. Mark Twain once said that

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A gun to your head
Free Speech
Hamilton Steele

A Gun to your head

A Gun to your head is going to be AI A gun to your head makes you do whatever the one holding the gun wants. It removes choice and free

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Group Sex
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Group sex should be normalized

Group sex might make society a better place Group sex, also known as group sexuality, refers to sexual behavior that involves multiple participants. Despite being a relatively common form of

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The Seduction and Corruption of PASS
Cliff Hanger

The Seduction and Corruption of PASS

Seduction. Corruption. Destruction.  H.L. Mencken once wrote that “public health,” then known by the eugenically-tinged name, “hygiene,” represented “the corruption of medicine by morality.” “It is impossible to find a

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hijab honeys and burka babes
Hamilton Steele

Hijab Honeys and Burka Babes

Hijab Honeys and Burka Babes are entering porn. Muslim women are defined by Westerners by what they wear, and in porn this translates into hijab honeys and burka babes. Making

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Women Pedophiles
Hamilton Steele

Women Pedophiles

Women pedophiles, is Ghislaine Maxwell one?   Ghislaine Maxwell is one and the last of nine children, to a British Media mogul who seemingly arose from Czechoslovakian poverty to become

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Help APAG @apagunion Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation Act!!!
APAG Union

List of Senators for the #SISEA Committee

These are the Senators on the “Commerce, Science, and Transporation Committee.” It is this committee that has introduced the bill #SISEA – Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation Act. These are the senators

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Brothel-Backed Blundo Busted for Corruption
Legal News

Brothel-Backed Blundo Busted for Corruption

Pahrump, Nevada — On Thanksgiving morning, Nye County Commissioner Leo Blundo was arrested for misconduct of a public officer after county administrators filed a complaint noting that Blundo voted on

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