Mike South

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Then and Now

Back in the 1990s I remember getting a phone call from a young lady known as Sana Fey.  She was a magazine model and a feature dancer, back then she

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How Rock N Roll Came To Russia

I was reading and I came across this fascinating bit of rock n roll history first ya might wanna give a listen to these couple of minutes of the Elvis

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I Am Disgusted For My Gender

OK I got kinda conned on Monday Night and ended up watching about the last 30 minutes of a TV show called “The Bachelorette” I’ve never seen one of these

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Makes Vice.com

They interviewed me last week on the topic of “Rosebud” porn. Now the story is out….Give  it a read here. http://www.vice.com/read/a-rosebud-by-any-other-name-would-smell-like-shit Even edgy sites like Vice find the practices of

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Lets go Fishin

OK it’s been a busy week and I spent most of the first part of it at the beach.  We had a great couple of days too, we limited out

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I Dreamed of Stormy Daniels

  I had a dream Wednesday night, it was your run of the mill benign dream, I was talking to Stormy Daniels, someone I have been friends with for years. 

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The Last Chapter

In 1971 I started high school.   We didn’t have junior high we had grades 8-12. The first year I did well, kept my grades up but after that things

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Back In Time 35 Years (Or So)

A few months after the incident with poor Judy Burnette, I started my last year of elementary school, grade 7.  I was appointed a safety patrol because of my good

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Going Back in Time 45 Years

After we left the house in Henry County we moved into a newly developed small subdivsion called Emerald estates.  it was kinda in the middle of nowhere but there was

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Real Men Fix Stuff

Ok when real men have a dripping faucet we go to the Home Depot, buy a washer and fix the damn thing, same as when jiggling the toilet handle ceases

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As Real As It Gets

Summer is older than most of the other dancers at the club, she is in the dressing room changing, getting ready to go home. She is hurting. As she brushes

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A Pornographer Looks At Fifty

I was going to post reader mail today, I have quite a bit of it but something happened this weekend and for some reason I am compelled to write about

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Is Bush Mortally Wounded?:

As I survey the current landscape of politics in this country I can’t help notice how both parties are being lead around by the nose by the extreme elements of

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Belladonna on ABC Primetime:

Ya, I saw it. Did any of y’all REALLY think that ABC News is going to paint our industry as a viable alternative to Hollywood? Did you think they would

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More on Primetime:

I have spent the day reading various interpretations of this, including that of mark Kernes at AVN. Everyone in porn is pointing the finger. Some Blame Belladonna, others ABC and

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100% NEGRO:

I love that shirt…It gets more response than anything else I do or write. Here are some examples of actual responses I got wearing that shirt: White Guy: I don’t

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The Nubian Writes:

Well like I said earlier, as a young college boy I guess it was all our dreams to be in the Adult industry but I was serious about it. I

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