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Is something going on with @Chaturbate?
Reader Email

Is something going on with @Chaturbate?

We got an email today about Chaturbate shutting down a massive number of accounts, especially those in Colombia. The message they are getting isn’t clear. “As we trust you are

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porn news
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Is Paxum Having Problems Again?

We got another email today about Paxum having trouble. Here is what the message said. I’m so done with Paxum. All cards were suspended without warning. People need their money

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Is ManyVids having money problems?
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Is ManyVids having money problems?

We got an interesting email. It was from a producer who sold 30 videos yesterday and 20 the day before. But this guy won’t be paid for those sales. His

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Porn idiocy
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Haley Reed calls out Stills by Alan

Apparently a leopard doesn’t change it spots, or at least Haley Reed would have you believe in a recent tweet about embatled director Stills by Alan. Stills by Alan took

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