Mike South

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Remember Tiananmen

Remember please. This is a communist government that cares NOT for individual liberty. Embrace at your peril. BOY! They sure can dance , though… B inda’ P

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Just When It Was Safe To Go Outside

We have bar here in REDNECKVILLE, hard by downtown. Selling Barack Obama-Curious George t-shirts for a laugh. Thank you freedom of speech, it applies to all of us, even to

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Nuff said

Jules: This was Divine Intervention! You know what “divine intervention” is? Vincent: Yeah, I think so. That means God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets. Jules: Yeah, man,

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The Goldigger Goes Nuts

I’d post a You Tube link but in order to do that I would have to haved listened in MikeSouth.com training. Slept through it. So for complete writing prep watched the

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Goddamned Federal Government

I received a bonus this month. Exemplary sales performance at Glo-BORE-Co, schmuck job division. Nice one too, made Da Wifey REAL happy, we’ve struggled… So she’s due a trip to

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Tit for tat

Lately I’ve been quietly recognizing most staff actually WORKS for a living in an industry, one I know nothing about. Except for the consumption side, no real perspective. But I

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Mom says goodbye

Recently close friends lost their mothers, passing after years of failing health, Alzheimer’s, and the lot. We followed their support and care, talked about it together. Both couples, adult children

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Modern Burden

Which brings me to the modern burden of adult men: Wives who don’t enjoy sex. There’s a new Head of the Georgia State Department of Transportation. First thing out of

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Wal Mart Family

  But anyone can write that Anti-Wal Mart diatribe. It’s like malaprops, Comedy 101. So I put some THOUGHT into this and find last night’s NBC News story provided the

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Wal Mart meeting videos

  Y’know, it’s gonna take me a while to sort through my “TAKE” on this story, but I feel joy right now. Times have changed in 20-30 years in the

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My Day By Brian

I went to the museum today. The big one downtown, with Da Wifey and Mother-in-law. As they say, it was like herding cats, two very slow cats. Choice people watching

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It Wasn’t Me

From the Fort Worth Star-Telegram: The woman slept most of the flight, but awoke about 20 minutes before landing when the pilot announced the plane was on descent into Los

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Well it’s certainly a target rich environment. Oprah’s on, pregnant man yesterday, bawling over some such worth cause today. But I don’t want to burn out to soon. I’ve been

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Miss Ya’ Anna

Pondering celebrity status and need for continued affirmation is a bit like oral surgery: regrettable, sadly necessary for some, and best practiced under anesthesia. True, while having my scrotum massaged

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Thanks Jay!

By now the internet news sites and entertainment reporting are showing the Jay Leno Gay Lover shtick. He thought it was a funny joke, obviously. I don’t know who the

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There’s certain wisdom in anonymity, its quiet here too. Able to stand comfortably in the corner of a busy room and follow insipid conversations while tracing panty lines suits me

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