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Poor Poor Pitiful Bree….

It seems that reitred pornchick Bree Olson made a youtube video where she cried, without any tears mind you, about how bad her life is because of her porn past

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Good For Bree Olson

I’m old school when it comes to certain things, you dance with the one that brought ya and you back up your friends. In the soap opera that has become

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Bree Olson Goes To Jail

Seems she blew….which isnt a bad thing  generally but this time it was a .19 on a breathalyser  Thats over twice the legal limit. She was arrested after she had

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The Next Jenna Jameson

I hear it all the time.  “I want to be the next Jenna Jameson!” Let’s start closer to the beginning though.  They say that luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. 

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The Biggest Pig In Porn

I have gotten literally dozens of emails about this and I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to go into it, but It finally dawned on me that the truth

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Adam and Eve has signed Bree Olsen to be the new contract girl for the company. Effective Aug 1. Bree is under a 5 year contract with the company. Word

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