Mike South

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Caption this Photo

Kayden Kross sent me this photo and I suggested it would be good for a caption the photo post.  Yes that’s Kayden, the circumstances surrounding the photo are irrelevant. I

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Kayden On Stossel

    I will refrain from commenting, personally I see both sides of this argument here, it comes down to whether or not you see this as a proper function

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A Porno Comic

 Abe Froman sent me this , I hope Kayden takes it in the spirit in which it’s posted because it is HILARIOUS, and so perfectly true.

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Hunter Gets A Big One

This video is basically us headed out, looks a lot faster than we were really going….about 26 knots note how calm the seas were.  We also got lucky in that

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Murder Ball

By Kayden Kross I got invited to a Thai barbeque awhile back by a friend who was going to be in town for it and didn’t want to go alone.

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Crazy In Love

  By Kayden Kross (via email for the dumb fuck who thinks that because I post these I write them…Kayden writes much better than I do) So I’m sitting in

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Kayden and I

There has been some speculation that Kayden Kross and myself have had some sort of falling out, this was apparently going on for a while and was fueled when I

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AVN Awards Final Notes

As expected Pirates 2 cleaned house, even Jewn hissownself accepted an award in a cowboy hat and sunglasses Some surprises were that Kayden was shut out, but we know she

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Breaking News:

 I still love Adam and Eve. We put the ink on our second year marriage (wave of the future I think) and they sent me a new necklace in the

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An Then They Came For Me

Is anyone concerned that the governor called a special session to find ways to “fill in” a budget deficit that currently sits at 11.2 billion dollars? We will all be

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Kayden Kross Arraignment Today

Kayden was arraigned today but the arraignment was continued till December 9. Nothing else happened, in spite of what lesser sites may or may not report.

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Kayden and I In Dayton Tonight!

If yerr in Cincy/Columbus/Dayton you really should come out to the Flamingo Show Club on N. Dixie hwy in Dayton tonight.  Kayden will there and so will I, and Kayden

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Thoughts From A Blonde Porn Star

I’m back on the bus. We’re leaving Indianapolis and I’m having a Diet Dr. Pepper for breakfast and the interior cabin is shaking with hip hop music I would never

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Kayden Kross The Felon?

Lots of stories going around about our own Kayden Kross.  I have been aware of this situation for some time and know all the details that the other guys aren’t

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XXXInsider Writes:

South, First off, let me state that you are a genius. Getting Kayden to blog for you has done more for her recognition in the industry than anything Adam and

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Ode to the Dumb Cooze

The poster child of fuck up is at it again. I keep overestimating her as she forges ahead on this fanatical campaign against the adult industry. I keep wanting to

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Goddammit Shelley Lubben!!

I’m not normally one to repeatedly focus my attention on any one person for very long, but jesus christ this one just won’t quit. I was sitting at a table

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