Mike South

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Can a Person Change?

This is a bit of a diary-style entry, but I am faced with some interesting questions and choices and I need to write about them. I find my plight and

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Closing the Chapter on an Issue…

You may get the urge to flee what might appear, at first, to be a redundant, annoying and ridiculous rant, but hang in there, it actually goes somewhere, and I

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Do I Really Dislike Jenna Jameson So Much?

I’m tackling my judgmental side lately because I’m attempting to, little-by-little, boil my personality down to it’s simplest and most essential layers. I’m fascinated by what jumped out of me

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In The News…

I was pleasantly surprised by the Associated Press article this week, and John Rogers’ polite take on witnessing Porn Star Karaoke firsthand. Mike posted it below. I used to go

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For Real

Maybe it’s the holiday thing – I don’t think so –  but I’m feeling a little sentimental. I mean, I’m feeling a bit benevolent and I want to impart some

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Greetings From The Undergirl!

A week’s worth of questions, reflections, observations and deep shit. Don’t ask, I’m making this up as I go along… I don’t understand… Why is Ann Coulter popular? Maybe this

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What I Want

I wrote some dark stuff last night. I can’t post any of it because it’s too revealing. I feel like Basil Hallworth that way, from The Picture of Dorian Gray.

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The Age of Experience

I’ve been reading a lot of things over the last few weeks about the relative innocence of female youth. Parents should really inform their children about a number of things.

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In My Perfect World…

I find it easy to get upset about life sometimes. In intermittent states of martyrdom, I throw myself on the train tracks of religious ridiculousness, bigotry, abuse, ignorance, etc… But,

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