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Here's a bag of weed
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Here’s a bag of weed

Here’s a bag of weed, now go fuck yourself. Here’s a bag of weed, enjoy the moment, because you have no future. This what society is saying to today’s youth.

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Fixing immigration
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Fixing immigration

Fixing immigration requires new ideas Fixing immigration is one of those subjects that polarizes the general public. On one hand, there’s a segment of the population who acknowledges the valuable

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Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Defining Freedom

Defining freedom is often complicated Defining freedom was discussed by Milton Friedman, a prominent economist.  Freedom is often associated with advocating for free-market capitalism and individual freedom. His quote, “The

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A gun to your head
Free Speech
Hamilton Steele

A Gun to your head

A Gun to your head is going to be AI A gun to your head makes you do whatever the one holding the gun wants. It removes choice and free

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Consenting to incest
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Consenting to Incest

Consenting to Incest is controversial Consenting to Incest raises significant ethical, legal, and moral questions. Any sexual relationship between close family members is considered incest, while consenting to incest refers

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America the police state
Hamilton Steele

Truth and Beauty

Truth and Beauty or Happiness ? Giving up truth and beauty is the price for human happiness. – Mustapha Mond, World Controller In the war for humanity’s soul, human beings

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Is social media dying
guest Editorial
Hamilton Steele

Is social media dying ?

And why is social media dying if true? There are many reasons why social media is dying and perhaps its least acknowledged fault is that it makes everyone miserable. Unless

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Hercules in the Louvre
Hamilton Steele

The Destruction of males

The modern era is causing the destruction of males. World wide, testosterone levels and sperm count are falling and it’s no less than the destruction of males. Sperm counts have

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Make a Buck
Free Speech
Hamilton Steele

Make a Buck

Make a buck or GTFO should be a business slogan In today’s woke world you’re going to make enemies with the mantra of make a buck or GTFO (Get The

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Happy Thanksgiving
Mike South

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to take a moment and wish you a very happy thanksgiving from all of us here at MikeSouth.com! In the meantime here are some fun facts about

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Mike South
Mike South

Colonel Rob Passes

Admittedly this name won’t mean much to most but to a lot of porners and particularly anyone else who was a true non-comformist the guy was a legend. His video

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The Year in Review (2018 Edition)
Mike South
XXX Insider

2018 Year in Review

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone. Over the holidays I dug through page after page of statistics so we could do a year in review

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Golden Age Actor R Bolla Passes

Golden age porn actor Richard Bolla aka R Bolla has passed. There probably aren’t 5 people currently in porn who have a clue who he was but they all owe

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Jill Kassidy Shot Her 1st Vivid Scene
XXX Insider

Jill Kassidy Shot Her 1st Vivid Scene

This time ten years ago Vivid Video was putting out movies starring some of the most incredible looking girls in the industry. Jenna Jameson, Hanna Hilton, Meggan Mallone, Lanny Barby

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