Ginger Banks admits she’s ashamed of her work in porn

In a recent article published by Aurora Snow on the Daily Beast, Ginger Banks, self proclaimed “sex worker advocateGinger Banks admits she ashamed of her work in the adult industry.

Although she adds, she’s trying to become less ashamed of her job. As if somehow saying that magically makes it better.

And that my friends is your candidate for the Free Speech Coalition Board of Directors. Everyone give it up for Ginger Banks. I mean that’s just the kind of person the porn industry needs to represent them, right?

If there is anything Ginger Banks needs to be ashamed of it’s her behavior regarding how she treated co-star Jenny Blighe after they filmed a scene together for Evil Angel that turned out to be a full-out disaster.

Just after that horrible incident, Ginger Banks was asked to step down or face forceful removal from the APAC (adult performer advocacy committee) board of directors – the performer branch of the Free Speech Coalition.

Or maybe she should be ashamed of trying to exploit the death of several porn stars last year, speaking out on their behalf and misrepresenting herself to the media as being informed or in the know of what went on with their lives and their deaths. Trying to get media attention in the wake of such a tragedy is just beyond fucked up.

Anyone who has ever met Ginger Banks will no doubt tell you that girl is a real piece of work. And that’s not a compliment. So yeah, I’d be ashamed too Ginger.

314220cookie-checkGinger Banks admits she’s ashamed of her work in porn

Ginger Banks admits she’s ashamed of her work in porn

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2 Responses

  1. OK, there was way too much innuendo in that “news” piece. If it’s a commentary, at least provide a stab at what purportedly happened while filming Cam Girls for Evil Angel. We’re provided an opinion to not like this girl, but provided next to no concrete examples as to why. If she misrepresented herself to the press, that was probably documented somewhere, right?

  2. She is a sad excuse for a human being and is constantly doing things to slam the industry. Everything in the article is correct.

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