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So long 2257? Not so fast ….

There has been a lot of chatter today about a recent court decision. Some have inappropriately said that FSC defeated the 2257 regulations. That isn’t true. This claim is rather misleading

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FSC Update on Emergency Fund Disbursements
Free Speech Coalition

FSC Update on Emergency Fund Disbursements

The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has published an update regarding the status of disbursements from the Emergency Fund it established to provide relief to talent and crew unable to work due to

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Trial By Twitter: Cal/OSHA Edition
Free Speech Coalition
Sam Langhorne

Trial By Twitter: Cal/OSHA Edition

This being 2019, it should come as no surprise that a Cal/OSHA petition cites to TWITTER POSTS to illustrate what an anonymous petitioner claims are widespread abuses within the adult biz.

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