Mike South

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Top 10 List;

How to Tell That Tim Case is Leaving Porn & Going Back to His Country Roots   10. Tim Case has applied for farm subsidies; citing 3 dogs, 2 cats,

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JimmyD Goes Metro

Metrosexual that is This is JimmyD back when he was a mans man, when he was funny, then he cut his hair and Harry Weiss became funnier, then he grew

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Time to Fix it.

I want everyone who uses this site to go here and download this free fix, it will remove the sobig virus if you have it, if you dont it will

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Another Porn Flake?:

I hear Lexington Steele (God that last name is so overused in porn) is going to back out of his PR contract with Harry Weiss, no word yet why and

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Harry Weiss THE PR God, chimes in:

Mike, I consider Adella of DP a friend and respect the PR work she has done. However, the Devon attacks Serenity incident sounds an awful lot like the “Skeeter Kerkove

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