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Free Speech Coalition
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Just who is AIT Labs?

It was announced today that AIT Labs would be joining Talent Testing and CET Testing to provide performers with PASS approved testing. But just who is AIT Labs? A quick

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Free Speech Coalition
XXX Insider

Man who took PrEP gets HIV

For months now the Free Speech Coalition has been singing the praises of taking PrEP and how if we do that, then we can have sex with anyone we want

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Free Speech Coalition
XXX Insider

The AVN HIV+ Stigma Panel Video

We finally get a good copy of the video so you can see for yourself what’s going on. Thank you Chad White for providing a copy of the video do

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FSC backs AB 2601
Free Speech Coalition
Sam Langhorne

FSC backs California sex education bill AB 2601

Although California mandates comprehensive sex education for public school pupils, from kindergarten and continuing until 12th grade, significantly — especially in light of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ vocal support for

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Free Speech Coalition
Free Speech Coalition
XXX Insider

Bill “Pinky” Stolbach Dies #RIP

Long before there was a Free Speech Coalition, the adult industry was under fire by the feds. Bill “Pinky” Stolbach helped to create the Free Speech Legal Defense Fund which

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Free Speech Coalition
Sam Langhorne

FSC: Canadian HIV Case Unrelated to PASS Sets

The Free Speech Coalition today reported that an adult performer from Canada recently tested positive for HIV. This performer had been working outside the PASS system and tested positive for HIV after an

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