Mike South

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Oh No, It’s Buffalo Penis:

Oh No, It’s Buffalo Penis:(From www.boortz.com) Uh oh. here’s the new Buffalo nickel that our U.S.Mint is now distributing. It’s going to cause some problems … problems because they did

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Porn on Primetime Again:

And again they do a hatchet job. I don’t have to tell those who saw it. They painted Laura Roxx as this poor Canadian girl trying to earn her way

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My Buddy Boortz Gets It Right:

SO NOW THE FCC IS GOING TO INVESTIGATE Investigate what? Janet Jackson’s right mammary, that’s what. Oh .. and while we’re at it, the entire half-time show at the Super

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As I read through the June AVN:

Some things jump out at me….One is the cover story about fresh faces. I get no mention in this which doesn’t surprise me but other than Ed Powers who does

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There’s the leader of the House Democrats standing before the microphones yesterday, telling the world that she remains steadfastly against the war in Iraq. Iraqis are dancing in the streets,

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Carly aka lukeford?

There are some quiet rumors that Carly Milne is gonna be doing the writing for LukeFord.com in Wankers Wangs absense, she may even be doing it now. She is tight

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