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Generation Z
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Generation Z is the Generation of hate

Generation Z is the generation of hate by design. Generation Z, perhaps it’s due to the government’s never ending propaganda and diversionary tactics which amplify distrust among individuals. Or, perhaps

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Hip-Hop was created by the CIA
Main Stream Media
Hamilton Steele

Hip-Hop was created by the CIA

Hip-Hop was created by the CIA says former agent Hip-Hop was created by the CIA as a method of social disruption.   For those of us who hate the canned auto-tuned

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Modern Slavery
Ask Hamilton Steele
Hamilton Steele

Modern Slavery

We’re all in the grips of modern slavery Modern slavery is being perpetrated on a historically unimaginable scale and you’re probably a victim of it. Mark Twain once said that

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Free Speech
Hamilton Steele

Dealing with Disinformation

The Disinformation board is Our Ministry of Truth It’s official, we have arrived in the Orwellian times we were warned about in the novel 1984; Biden’s Disinformation Board is our

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