Mike South

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My Readers Get It – Reader Post

Thanks Lurking Reader you NAILED this one “So are APAC mouthpieces lobbying for or against condoms in porn? Hard to tell with the song they’re singing re Sheen. If the

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AB 1576 Goes Down

AB1576 aka The condom law was passed on to the suspense file, essentially killing it. While the biz has gotten a bit of a reprieve it really doesnt effect much,

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They Always Make It About HIV

If you listened to or watched the hearings on AB1576 yesterday and then read the various industry sources on the issue it was obvious.  They always make it about HIV. 

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AB 1576 Moved To Suspense

Assembly Man Hall presented AB1576 to the committee and AHF echoed that it would not exceed the cap.  The general thought was that the bill would go into suspense but

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AB 1576 What Will Happen

As it stands AB1576 has been announced by the Senate Appropriations committee as “a candidate for suspense” what thats means is A unique feature of the Appropriations Committee is the

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Interesting Stuff

For many porn performers the condom law has been their first real education on how a law becomes a law and their first real exposure to the political process.  While

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The Condom Law Passes The Assembly

AB1576, the condom law got the necessary votes (41-12) today to pass the California Assembly.   next stop the California Senate. Heres how the vote broke, interesting to note that

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OSHA To Kink Times Up Folks

from a reader comment…if you are in porn you NEED to pay attention to this  Thanks Lurking reader the September complaint spells it out with the added field..EMPHASIS: S: Targeted

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Who Lost the Condom case

  She was representing Treasure Island Media in the OSHA case they lost that pretty much defacto makes the condom law statewide. I have  had a few people tell me

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