Mike South

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A vRooster Cogburn

Has anyone noticed that this site with its eye-patch and beard must actually be Rooster Cogburn and the star of the new True Grit!!!!!!

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Happy Anniversary Tim and Felicia

Last year Hurricane Ike came right up the Mississippi and the Ohio and then the Great Miami and blew through SW Ohio.  Many at the nuptials joked that it was

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The End of an Era

Say what you will about Senator Ted Kennedy, his passing marks the end of an era. I am afraid that I am old enough to remember nearly all of the

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Boston Tea Partys

OK…I know I haven’t contributed in a while and I apologize.  I have been reading the blog and am enjoying the stream of consciousness articles by Kayden Kross, the ongoing

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The Slaughter of the Turkeys

In case anyone missed the most amazing political interview in recent memory, let me recap the moment.  The recently defeated Veep candidate for the Republican ticket, Sarah Palin, who seems

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The Wedding and the Storm

I guess I’ll be the first to congratulate here Tim and Felicia on their wonderful and unique nuptials that took place on Sunday.  For those who were there, the afternoon

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Random notes

I promised Mike that I would return to the realm of commentator and contributor.  I realize that I am an unknown quantity in the world and I apologize for the

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18 April 2008

Sometimes, you’ve just got to go and take some “mental health” time. The stresses of the daily struggle just have to be put into perspective. There are advantages and disadvantages

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13 April 2008

I’ve been reading the latest week’s comments and am well aware that there is an ongoing conversation going on about the future of the adult entertainment industry.  The spectre of

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A modest Introduction

Wow! A chance to comment as I observe the human comedy; I am grateful to Mike for letting me into the game. I am a bit late to the starting

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