Random notes

I promised Mike that I would return to the realm of commentator and contributor.  I realize that I am an unknown quantity in the world and I apologize for the infrequency of my participation.  The last few months have been filled with real world stuff.

Some random notes:

What is the fascination with porn and shooting the images in kitchens and laundry rooms?

Kayden Kross’s postings are really interesting and provide some insight into the adult entertainment world for the more than casual pedestrian observer.  Thanks!

Tim Case and Felicia Fox and their upcoming wedding!!  They seem to me to be a great couple and really in love and they already have a cute little fella.

Finally (at least for now) Mike is always telling me how laid back and friendly the “porn” community is, and so far I find that to be true.  I have given that some thought and came up with this; basically you guys “cum” for a living and often . . . what could be better for living a laid back daily existence and always have a smile on your face than that.

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Mike South

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