A modest Introduction

Wow! A chance to comment as I observe the human comedy; I am grateful to Mike for letting me into the game. I am a bit late to the starting line, and I hope that my scribbling will make some sense, make you laugh, maybe cry and certainly offer a continuing conversation about the state of the world. I read and enjoy what is stated here and plan to add to the mix.

First of all I am not a member of the adult industry, more like an interested observer. I am a photographer, a graphic designer and an author. I am a pilot, a Dad, a husband and a passionate lover of my wife. I am more conservative than my parents, but still very moderate, they are still holding a candle for Adlai Stevenson and wear Birkenstocks with socks. I learned my profession from my father and he remains the most talented person I have ever known. I learned to write from my partner in many books, who was a product of a very effective public school system in the UK and the British Military. He died 2 weeks ago and after working together daily for 17 years, I am now learning to exist in a world without my friend, and it is not easy.

It’s the chance to take a whack at the system that intrigues me here. The bureaucrats, the politicians, the candidates, the media. How about the advertising community, art directors (they deserve a special place in hell), and account executives (to call them reptilian would be a disservice to lower forms of life), the list goes on and I am just at the beginning of this experiment.

I feel like Keith Olbermann on MSNBC with a chance to make a “Special Commentary”…….yippee!

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A modest Introduction

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Mike South

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