Mike South

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XRCO 2021 Photo essay

And another show is done, XRCO awards show that is. In this short season for Awards Boardners in Hollywood was the place, where the Xrated Critics Association present their annual

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Photos From the 2016 XRCO Awards

Many thanks to Marco Pallotti for these pics.  If you need a good photog Marco is outstanding! I feel like I should have recognized more of these people….If you can

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2014 XRCO Exclusive Photos

Lots of Exclusive Photos from XRCO 2014 You wont see anywhere else before next week at least!   Thanks to the Good folks at EMMREPORT who sent em to me! 

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XRCO Wants An Overhaul

As a result of my post last week exposing that XRCO had accepted sponsorship money from .XXX, XRCO has been in a bit of turmoil.  The call now is for

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We Made a Difference Again

It pleases me that the attention that I brought to this has resulted in ICM registry and .XXX being expelled from the XRCO Show, BRAVO to all the companies that

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Dirty Bob Explains

I’m going to leave it to y’all on this one.  I’m going to refrain from commentary. Obviously an explanation is in order. Not an excuse; an explanation. The XRCO Awards

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XRCO Sets Date

( HOLLYWOOD, CA ) – The X-Rated Critics Organization has been celebrating the best in the world of adult film for more than a quarter century. In 2009, the XRCO

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Jessica Drake Is Getting Robbed

Now Jessica caught some flack here a while back for using IDs with different birthdates on them but the truth is she is getting robbed these days. All the awards

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