Mike South

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Stripper Quotes

It has been a while since I had one but today I listened to the controversial Melania Trump Speech ( mountain/molehill anyone) and it reminded me of a stripper in

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Words Cannot Express….

Im not versed on the full story behind this yet but suffice it to say it ranks right up there in terms of stupid porn chick tweets.  This is dumb

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A Stripper Quote

Ok It’s been a bit too serious here of late so this post should lighten things up. Tim and I were discussing the common denominators that girls in the adult

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2 More Stripper Quotes

“I don’t ever get sick I do to many drugs.” – Marley  The Harem, Dayton, OH Manager – “Take ‘Jezebel’ off the rotation. She’s leaving.” DJ – “Really? She just

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Stripper Quote O the Month

  Some back ground is needed first  Dayton Strip Club owner “Michael J” died yesterday around noon.  He passed away in a booth at a restaurant from a heart attack. 

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New Stripper Quote

  We are at the beach and Mishelle makes the following observation:   “I have so much sand in me I am making pearls” LOL   “Stripper Quotes ” The

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Stripper Quote Of The Day

  Stripper: “Have you seen Kayden lately?” Me: “No I don’t know where she is” Stripper: “Have you asked the captain of the flying monkeys?”

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And Another Stripper Quote

  Stripper: You are the smartest guy I know Me: while that doesn’t really surprise I am sorry to hear that Stripper No really, do you think there is life

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Yet Another Stripper Quote

Stripper: What do you think is more important for happiness, Fame Or money? Me: I wish to be famous for having enough money to indulge myself excessively Stripper: (After thinking

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A New Stripper Quote

    To the DJ   “So, let me get this straight: You sit here all night and push buttons. And you talk into the mike. And you watch the

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Stripper Quote

  One of my lovely dancers came in explaining why she couldn’t stay the night with me (not tha I asked her to mind you) “My pussy ate a little

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Fish Sticks

  Strippers are an interesting lot, I guess this may qualify as a stripper quote. Four of my peelers approached me tonight and one asked me if I like fish

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  I have a stripper that calls herself  “Anonymous” She was in the office with Mishelle who was talking about her  last   Southernbukkake.com shoot and Anonymous proclaimed that she just

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Another Stripper Quote

  One of my strippers is in the office and talking about having made meatloaf for dinner. Another stripper commented that the last time she made meatloaf she had used

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Stripper Quote of The Day

Kiska comes into the office… Tim I need to go home early Tim asks why do you need to go hme early Kiska replies:  Because my Uterus is falling out.

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