Mike South

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Max Hardcore Bankruptcy Filings

One thing that came out of the Bonnie Rotten suit is that Max Hardcore has multiple bankruptcy filings. They may all be related to one bankruptcy but the appear to

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A Letter From Max

[This letter was not sent to me personally by Max but was forwarded to me for reprint] Friday, Feb. 6th, 2009 LA MDC Greetings friends and fans, I’m sorry that

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Mixed Emotions

I got this today from Max I’m going to post it and then I have a few things I want to say about it. For Immediate Release: Friday, November 28,

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Unintended Consequences 2

In a letter sent by industry attorney he is asking the adult community to write letters to the judge on Max Hardcore’s behalf. That is a very risky move and

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Just seems wrong…

Since porn v. government seems to be the topic of the day I thought I’d throw a question out there. I always hate bringing up morality in the context of

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Max Found Guilty on All Counts

As was his company Maxworld Entertainment After 2 days of deliberation the jury appeared hung on 10 of the charges but after the judge sent them back to deliberate more

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By The Time You Read This:

I will have been quoted in the Pittsburg newspaper (the Post-Gazette I think) on The Rob Zacari, (Rob Black) case. in short I told the reporter that yes I think

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What’s Wrong With This Picture?

What’s Wrong With This Picture? Im not a homicide detective or a forensic pathologist or anything like that but I am infinately familiar with guns, shot guns handguns and otherwise

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More CES Odds and Ends:

Max Retrial Reset: Max Hardcore was due to stand trial starting tomorrow, but the prosecutor is sick and has requested to move the trial date. No word on when the

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Max Hardcore’s Obscenity trial has resulted in a hung jury. There is not yet word on any motions for a new trial. Details as they become available.

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FSC can you hear me?

I want to officially ask the Free Speech Coalition where they are on this Visa thing? They should be knee deep in getting an injunction stopping this bullshit until they

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