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Make 1984 fiction again
America the police state
Hamilton Steele

Make 1984 fiction again

Make 1984 fiction again if you enjoy freedom. Make 1984 fiction again or doom us to be the last generation to understand its warning. Most people who have read George

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America the police state
Hamilton Steele

Truth and Beauty

Truth and Beauty or Happiness ? Giving up truth and beauty is the price for human happiness. – Mustapha Mond, World Controller In the war for humanity’s soul, human beings

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Ageism in the adult industry
Adult Model
Hamilton Steele

Ageism is Age Discrimination

Ageism is promoted in our culture. Ageism is both highly profitable and furnishes government with an absurd amount of control over its citizens. I’m a businessman, and porn just happens

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Kayden On Stossel

    I will refrain from commenting, personally I see both sides of this argument here, it comes down to whether or not you see this as a proper function

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