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Slavery - Human Trafficking

The Nordic Model Makes No Sense

If you follow Gustavo Turner (@gustavoturnerx) from XBIZ on Twitter you might have noticed an interesting tweet he made. If you haven’t seen it, I’ll share it with you here.

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Women's March
Legal News

SESTA/FOSTA … one year later

It’s been a year now since the introduction of the SESTA/FOSTA laws and you know what we found out? It’s actually hurt more people than it’s helped. The YouTube channel

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Legal News
Voice For Reason

O.School: FOSTA hurting online sex educators

O.School set out to be an inclusive sex ed platform, writes Megan Farokhmanesh at The Verge, but now the misguided anti-trafficking law FOSTA and internal strife are tearing it apart   In

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