Delusional Former porn star Fayth Deluca comes forward with crazy story about Joe Biden and George Soros raped her

Earlier today, I noticed Kelli tweeting with a guy from the FSC about some crazy woman who claims she was sex trafficked. Kelli and others in the thread doubted the girl was ever actually in porn, but I recognized her.

I knew exactly who that woman was. Back then, she went by the name of Fayth Deluca, and at times Briana Noel.

She has an interesting story to tell.

Now going by the name Madyson Marquette, she has gone public with her story, which is a doozy.

First, a little background. Fayth Deluca (ala Briana Noel) started in the adult industry in 2005 and was active until around 2013. In all, she did just over 100 movies.

According to this Q-Anon, “former porn star,” she was owned by Derek Hay from LA Direct Models.

QAnon, or simply Q, is a discredited far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic pedophiles run a global child sex trafficking ring and conspired against former President of the United States Donald Trump during his term in office. QAnon is described as a cult.

Of course, she doesn’t get his name right, calling him “Derek Hays,” but what about the rest of her story?

According to her, she was trafficked through the adult film industry. She said that she was “owned” By Derek Hay of LA Direct Models, and he trafficked her through the elite of Hollywood and global politicians, including George Soros and Joe Biden.

Yes, you read that right, former porn star Fayth Deluca claims that Derek Hay booked her on privates with George Soros and Joe Biden as in the president of the United States, Joe Biden.

Madyson Marquette also claims there were other actors, but in this particular 1-hour interview, she only wanted to focus on the politicians.

She says that she hired an attorney and filed a lawsuit against the traffickers, and after this, she was then subpoenaed to testify in military tribunals, some 100 times, against the elite and globalists.

At first, she said she couldn’t discuss the location of the military tribunal because she was under a gag order but then later says that the military tribunals (of which she had to return to time and again – 100 times in all) took place in Washington DC and in the White House and that she was flown back and forth to DC by military planes.

She goes on to tell “what she can” about the military tribunals. She said again she had filed lawsuits against her traffickers, which is why she has an attorney. Although strangely enough, her attorney isn’t from the US, she is from London. So not sure how that works.

But according to Madyson Marquette (aka Fayth Deluca), her attorney called her and said she had a subpoenaed and that she had to appear in a military tribunal.

Why might you ask would a former porn star be summoned to a military court?

“Because of your evidence and things have gone into court, you need to go testify.”

I did some research and found that military tribunals are military courts designed to try members of enemy forces during wartime, operating outside the scope of conventional criminal and civil proceedings.

A military tribunal is an inquisitorial system based on charges brought by military authorities, prosecuted by a military authority, judged by military officers, and sentenced by military officers against a member of an enemy army.

But let’s not bother with the facts. Let’s continue with this story. It gets even better.

Next, she explains that her sex traffickers have been arrested by the military, or they were under trial in the military.

One of the people she claims she had to testify against was Joe Biden. In fact, she even claims he was present at this military tribunal—kind of.

She further explains that the Joe Biden we see on TV is just someone wearing a mask.

It’s not the real Joe Biden. The real Joe Biden has been replaced with a body double, an actor.

No, my friends, I can’t make this stuff up.

Next, she goes on to explain how “Bank accounts have been frozen for George Soros. This isn’t just like chump change. This is billions of dollars, and their livelihood is all frozen because I decided to stand up and say fuck you.”

For those who don’t know,  George Soros is a billionaire. If his accounts, even just some of them have gotten frozen, it would have been major headline news around the world.

But again, let’s don’t bother with facts and let this former porn star continue on with her story.

She says that Joe Biden and George Soros raped her, beat her, tortured her, chained her to beds, chained her to walls, chained her to concrete floors, and even waterboarded her.

Next, she talked about her Derek Hay from LA Direct Models story. She said she was on set and had a freakout. The producer called Derek who she claimed “owned” her.  She then claims that Derek Hay had a lit of her friends, her family members — everyone she loved and cared about and to her “you are going to do this, basically threatening them.”

She then claimed he forced her to film a rape scene and they filmed it as a gang rape and she got gang-raped on camera.

Now keep in mind, there is not a single rape scene or gang rape scene for that matter which stars Fayth Deluca. I went through her entire credits, all 105 films. This scene just flat out doesn’t exist.

Next, she explains that she went to a Megachurch in LA and told the pastor that she needed help. She started talking about how when you are 18 or 19 years old you are a child.

But how is that relevant to her story? She didn’t even start doing porn until she was 25.

So next she says, “Imagine being that young, being gang-raped, and then going to a pastor and telling him that you were gang-raped and this is what happened to me.” Then according to her, the pastor ended up giving her to Derek.

Which of course doesn’t match her timeline but let’s continue …

She then goes on this insane rant about how Biden is this fake Joe Biden that the country is really run by Nancy Pelosi and Obama. Then she goes on about how there are two different US militaries. One run by Trump, one by the fake Biden.

Then she explains how she is combat trained, and gun trained and that she is now in law school. She skips from one crazy story to the next. She went on random rants about corruption, and her love of Donald Trump to how Prince Harry needs to go back to the UK and leave America.

But she ended with a bang. She said that her first interaction with Tom Hanks was him punching her in the face.

Then she said Jeremy Piven and Matthew McConaughey bought her and these celebs would buy her to do horrible things to her. I think by “buy her” she means she did a private with them as an escort.

And then she throws in that Kim Kardashian is the biggest “pedophile piece of shit” and that they are making Kanye West out to look crazy to cover up for him trying to protect his own children from her.

There is crazy and then there is Madyson Marquette.


690661cookie-checkDelusional Former porn star Fayth Deluca comes forward with crazy story about Joe Biden and George Soros raped her

Delusional Former porn star Fayth Deluca comes forward with crazy story about Joe Biden and George Soros raped her

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4 Responses

  1. ?Thank you for your article. Heard her on a podcast and she did not ring right to me. I checked on one fact and it turned out to be inconsistent, and just kept on going down the rabbit hole.
    Your Article is excellent. Thank you so much. A couple things to add to your story. And it is a great article. Very very good. ? The little things I found were small. However significant. About a month ago Madyson Marquette on her Facebook posted a picture of herself on a zoom call supposedly having a picture of herself being sworn in as a Washington state attorney. ?
    With one phone call to the Washington State Bar all three of her names, Madyson Marquette, Madyson Hendricks, and Stacey Dawn Williams, along with the names that you mentioned – not recognized as her being a licensed attorney for the state of Washington. ?
    Also, none of those names listed above are not on the list of people who passed the recent Washington State Bar.?
    In looking at several videos she actually said she has been to hundreds of tribunals. In one video she said over 100. But in at least two videos she said hundreds. So hundreds is plural -which would be at least 200 tribunals. ?
    So to sum it up Madyson Marquette in her own words said she is in the apprenticeship program at Washington State to substitute for the JD of which she does not have. That is 32 hours of week for (4 )years according to the Washington State Bar requirements and rules.?
    ?So in the last few years she has been in an apprenticeship program of 32 hours a week plus homework – for (4)years. Attended 200 tribunals and (is this 200 different witnesses?) She is a single mom of two children. Her words. These are all her words. She has been trained by retired Navy seals and given a team to do extractions. She also is suing people.?
    Also a real simple question to her would be does she have a BA and when did she get it and where. She has never spoken of it. You have to have a BA in order to take the Washington State bar. ??
    Madyson Marquette contradicts herself in her own posts, her own podcasts and her own words. She has a post where she has a picture of herself that she started school in 2019 in Colorado which contradicts her for (4) apprenticeship program. Again all her own words?
    I wrote a synopsis of the above plus other inconsistencies if it calls to anyone. It is a pinned post for the public on Facebook Pamela Lynne.??
    Thank you for your article. It seems to be much needed. The public seems to be emotionally hypnotized and some good hard logic is a refreshing gift.???

  2. Up there on my post where it has a question mark – I actually was putting an emoji of a flower; but it comes out as a question mark. So it might look a little odd. Thank you

  3. Consider this. Madison Marquette is the STRAW MAN.? Notice how her inconsistencies and her stories have so many holes in them it is respectively laughable.?
    It seems that Madyson Marquette has been created.. to eventually be torn down. Her following will be disillusioned. That’s what they like. The narratives that she has attached herself to.. child trafficking etc on a conscious or unconscious level well also be disillusioned. This is probably the plan all along. ?

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