Mike South

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A Porn Chick who can act?

Over on AVN.com they are running a dumb, blind item about what porn company is upset with the new contract girl they signed because said girl can’t act. HELLO? Did

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There is a virus floating around that has the ability to forge email addresses, a few people have gotten emails that they think are from me (They aren’t if you

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A member writes:

I have joined many, many websites over the years and very few actually deliver what they promise. When I joined your website I was simply amazed. The amount of content

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Life Imitating Art?

Prison escapees must watch ‘Cool Hand Luke’ Associated Press April 24, 2002 08:20:00 AZTEC, New Mexico – It’s a case of life imitating art – or at least a Paul

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Mastercard backpedals:

In response to a plethora of incoming complaints and concerns about mastercard putting a stop to third party billing, Mastercard had this to say today: “MasterCard issued a rule clarification

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One Blond with big tits:

President Bush and Colin Powell are sitting in a bar. A guy walks in and asks the barman, “Isn’t that Bush and Powell sitting over there?” The barman says, “Yep,

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Korn more important than porn:

Jonathon Davis has decided NOT to direct a porn movie for Vivid, so porn will be spared THAT embarrassment. Like This Post224 Dislike This Post28 245150cookie-checkKorn more important than porn:no

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Do y’all like fireworks

I like fireworks and it looks promising that we are going to get a pre fourth of July fireworks display. See Kid Vegas has been fired from Extreme and now

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