Search Results for: trans – Page 22

Odds and Ends

  I’m kinda half watching the Academy Awards last night and at the end I saw the people on stage with the dog.  I immediately

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On-demand porn loses allure

Time Warner Cable sees a drop in video-on-demand revenue, with adult films seeing the biggest decline. Link to Money.MSN article Why pay for adult films

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Lets Talk About AIM Here

When I posted that AIM was shutting the doors, a story I verified from multiple sources, AIM backpedaled quickly, releasing a statement that they were

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A Weekend At The Beach

It was mid Febru-ugly and I just couldn’t take it anymore, I needed beach, preferably something low brow, not so low brow as Panama City

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Jesse Ventura…HERO!

Ventura sues over body scans, pat-downs By AMY FORLITI , Associated Press Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura sued the Department of Homeland Security and the

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Orlando airport has told the Transportation Safety Agency to Get The Fuck Out.  The airport is going to replace them with a private security firm.

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When Sex Used To Mean Nothing

Outside of professional adult entertainment, there is a new sexual revolution currently taking place in suburbia. I’m not talking about a revolution in terms of

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I Have Been A Slacker

Ya I know, updates have been a might tardy of late but hey, whaddaya want? It ain’t like it costs anything. Truth is I got

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Mike South

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