Male Porn Performer Flash Brown Still in Jail

Someone recently asked us for an update on the Flash Brown case.

Flash Brown in Jail

There isn’t really much to report. He has been arraigned and charged with 7 counts, and he pled not guilty on all 7 charges.

  • Count 1 and 2: 273.5(F)(1) – Corporal Injury to a Spouse / Cohabitant
  • Count 3: 266I(A)(1) – Pimping and Pandering
  • Count 4: 647(J)(4) – Revenge Porn
  • Count 5, 6 and 7: 166(C)(1) –  Contempt of Court

The final 3 counts are in relation to his previous arrest earlier last year where he beat up his wife and was also charged with assault with a deadly weapon. At that time he was granted bail, but that was later pulled when he violated the court order to stay away from his wife.

Since his arraignment, he’s had 5 different resets of his preliminary trial hearing. His last one was just the other day on February 28th. His next hearing is scheduled for March 26, 2019.

Unless he agrees to some sort of plea deal like former porn agent Scottie Ohanian recently did in his own case, something like this could drag on in the court system for years. It’s not likely the courts will consider a sweet deal for him either because not only did he violate his protective order by abusing his wife yet again, he also has abused his former wife. So he has a history of violence against him.


Flash Brown remains in custody without bail until the case is settled. We’ll let you know when new information on this case becomes available.


400280cookie-checkMale Porn Performer Flash Brown Still in Jail

Male Porn Performer Flash Brown Still in Jail

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6 Responses

  1. When he gets out, do you think any girls will put him on their “no” list? Or that studios will refuse do shoot him? Fuck no. This is porn. Business as usual…

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