Mike South

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File This Under Porn Stupidity

Belladonna announced this weekend that she is coming out of her retirement, that lasted what? 2 weeks? Give me a break, so if ya don’t mind getting herpes (assuming you

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I tell ya …I get no respect:

This site sponsors a trivia question on DPTonight whenever it’s on. Last nights guest co-host was Belladonna ( who is replacing the “crack head shrike”) now, a good move by

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Belladonna on ABC Primetime:

Ya, I saw it. Did any of y’all REALLY think that ABC News is going to paint our industry as a viable alternative to Hollywood? Did you think they would

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More on Primetime:

I have spent the day reading various interpretations of this, including that of mark Kernes at AVN. Everyone in porn is pointing the finger. Some Blame Belladonna, others ABC and

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